Thursday 31 October 2013


Weeks 5, sad & worried - brown discharge time to time 
Debating if I shall contact GP, but I know brown discharge and bleeding is normal in the very early pregnancy and there is nothing much they can do apart from resting and relaxing. Sometimes I wished I didn't find out that I am pregnant this early, be a bit thick and slow so I don't have to start worry about it so early! 

Week 6,  faith & hope. We saw a sac and heart beat!!!
I just couldn't bear the thought of not knowing what is going on and non stop worrying what is happening and why I still have that annoying brown discharge after a week waiting patiently for it to go away! GP called and said the only thing they can do is to send me for a scan at EPU (Early pregnancy Unit) in the hospital. 2nd time here and basically just feel so sorry for the people waiting or even working there. How many bad news they needed to bear everyday and how many people will be in tears waiting in that sad little corner? Hobby told me to relax and try to cheer me up by telling me something funny, but I just feel that's a place laughing is not allowed! We also need to respect the people next to us no matter they are waiting for a good news or bad news! You just never know why they are there? For what reason? The nurse was really appologetic about my messed up appointment as they did't have my contact number from my GP. 

After been called to the scanning room, lying there with my heart weighted like a cold stone. Less than a min later, we saw a tear drop shape sac on the screen with a white dot shinning like a little star! That is it! That's the heart beat of our lil yoke - a live sac and a live pregnancy! 

Could not believe what we just saw and shortly while waiting in that now very enclosed corner, someone came to me and gave me the scan result and said if I decided I want to be look after by this hospital I can go to the antenatal unit to register myself!?!? Or I can talk to my GP and think about if I want to go to other hospital. 

Me and hubby were just over the moon and both agree that we like this hospital and straight away we were heading to Antenatal department to book myself in for the next appointment!!! 

As we had to pay for the parking, hubby told me this is the first time he actually feel the parking is well worth it or well spent it. 

Week 7, positive & car sick feeling. Law of attraction, asking the universe to help and asked for prayer and blessing.

8 weeks- excited and relieved we made it to another stage, first appointment with mid wife on 8 October. Had blood test done. Weight and height checked. 50 kg, BMI 20. 

Week 9, busy with other investment projects happening this week. Keep my mind occupied with current events. 
Got the keys to a better future. 

Week 10, bloated and sleepless first 2 days, had 11 hrs sleep and did some house work. Defrosting fridge, changing bed sheet, hubby hovered the whole place and bath room cleaned. Even discarded all the withered flowers on the balcony. 

Week 11, slightly worried about the dating scan next week. But that is also the one thing to keep me going and think of all the positive thoughts. Whatever the result will be, we made it. I am keeping the little bean inside me safe and longer than last time.

Week 12, our guest arrived to pray with us! Hubby's really good friend who is studying as a seminarian in France. We told him the good news and asked him to pray for us during a phone conversation, but instead of saying a prayer in the service, he offered to pay us a visit and pray WITH us. 
Apart from our parents and siblings, We haven't tell anyone yet and to know someone is making such an effort for us and lil bean, the blessing and appreciation is just beyond measure. We must be blessed! 
Of course we invited our guest to the scan on 30th October, even though he is not allowed to be in the examine room, but we feel he was as nervous as we were while waiting to be call in. 

It was such a hair raising moment waiting for the sonographer to find that lil heart beat! When she said - there you are! And we we were hearing the most amazing sound to my ears!!!! Lil bean's heart pondering strongly ... With 2 arm/hands waving at us, 2 legs nicely placed in my womb. Lil bean looks like a very chilled out baby! We asked to buy 2 photos from the scan and we shown it to our guest-B as soon as we left the exam room, hubby and B were just 'studying' that small black and white image we have been given while I went for blood test (NT Screening). When I returned, hubby told me I think it's a BOY! Because he was doing 'high5' to us >.< 

I think little bean it's a girl because the chin looks rounded like hubby's face ;) 

We decided to call this lil bean - Piggy! 

Hello Piggy, we are so excited to have you in our life and welcome you to our family <3